Archive for Life


False Fall

This week, we’ve been having what the locals are calling “false fall.” The overnight lows have been in the 40s (some areas in the mountains have had freezes) and the afternoon highs have been in the low 70s. It’s the kind of weather we might get in late October in Texas, if we had a cold front. I’ve been loving it because this is one of my favorite kinds of weather. I can sit outside comfortably all day (though I need a jacket in the morning), hot tea feels good, and I can sleep under blankets without getting too hot. We’re even getting the first fall color. It’s just individual leaves turning red and gold, but it’s a hint of what’s to come.

It’s been even nicer when I see that it’s been in the 100s, with heat advisories, where I used to live. Apparently, that’s all due to the same weather pattern that’s blocking air from the north away from Texas and bringing it to us.

Alas, starting this weekend it’s warming up again. The locals are talking about going back to summer and “Satan’s armpit,” but even so, it’s still late September and early October weather for Texas, so it will still feel a bit like fall. to me I might not want to go for long walks at the hottest part of the day, but I also won’t need a heated throw and a jacket to eat breakfast on the back porch in the morning.

This is a big reason why I wanted to move. No 100s here. It is really muggy during the summer, which is weird because the temperatures are lower and the dew points are about where they were in Texas, but it feels a lot more humid. I went to hear the local TV meteorologist do a talk at the library and asked her about it. She said it may be that the layer of humid air is deeper here, and it may be that there’s less wind. The wind really may be it. I hadn’t realized how still it is here compared to Texas. A normal day in Texas had steady winds of about 10 mph. Here, that’s a pretty gusty day. Most days we may get a gentle breeze, at best. When the air doesn’t move, it feels a lot more humid, which makes it feel hotter. I’ve had to set my air conditioner a lot lower than I kept it in Texas just to take some of the humidity out of the air. My internal thermometer is still a bit off. I’ll look at the temperature on my weather station that has a sensor on my porch, and I’ll think I need to put on a sweater to go walking, then get started walking and immediately have to take it off. It always seems to feel warmer than I expect it to.

And this is one reason it was a good idea to wait until I’ve lived here a while before I make any decisions about buying a house. On paper, I might have said I wouldn’t need air conditioning here because it almost never gets to the temperature at which I turned on the air in Texas, but it does feel different here. I might be able to survive without AC if I had a whole-house dehumidifier (or one in each room), lots of ceiling fans, an attic fan, and no strong direct sun exposure, but it would definitely take the dehumidifier and fans. It does get cooler and drier at night. My AC never comes on at night, and I’m comfortable sleeping under blankets with an oscillating fan aimed at the bed (no ceiling fans in the apartment). I only need the AC for a few hours a day, and it’s a bit cooler than I’d like it to be, but the humidity is bad if I set the AC at a temperature that doesn’t require a sweater.

Now I’ll have to see what winter’s like. Statistics are showing that winters here are warming up more than the summers are, so the winters are getting milder faster than the summers are getting worse. When I was looking for a place to move, I was looking for a Goldilocks zone where it was just right, where I could get four seasons and less miserable summers without horrible winters. I’m excited about fall because that’s my favorite season and everyone is telling me it’s glorious here. I need to hurry and get a lot of writing done before it hits so I can take some time off to be outside as much as possible.


New Habits

Supposedly, making a big break in routine is good for creativity because it forces the brain to make new connections and pathways. The example I’ve seen most often is that brushing your teeth with the opposite hand from the one you usually use will make you a bit more creative all day because you’ll have set yourself up for thinking differently, or taking a different route to and from work will make you more creative. If that’s the case then a big move like the one I made should make my creativity explode because I’m having to rethink everything.

A lot of that comes from fitting a two-bedroom house (one bedroom used as an office) with two living areas into a small one-bedroom apartment. Along the way, I got rid of several bookcases, a large desk, and a lot of plastic storage baskets and bins. That means I can’t put things away in the same places where they were in the old house. I started to automatically shelve books on the same bookcase where they were in the old house, then stopped to consider when I use those books. For instance, I started to put my writing books on the same bookcase where they used to go, but it’s now serving as my entryway. It used to sit beside my desk, so I could swivel in my desk chair and get to those books for reference. Now there’s a different bookcase in my office area. I moved the writing books over there so I could get to them when I was writing and put other books on that shelf.

Setting up the kitchen also forced me to rethink things. There aren’t a lot of cabinets in the tiny kitchen here, though there is a large pantry. I automatically put the dishes in the cabinet near the sink, over the dish drainer. That would be an obvious and convenient place for them, but that cabinet is small and up high. The rack I have for inside a cabinet that allows you to stack dishes and still be able to access them didn’t fit in that cabinet, so I would have had to stack dishes a different way. I couldn’t make them all fit, and it was up high enough that I’d have needed a step stool to reach some of the dishes. Then I got the bright idea to put that dish rack in the pantry, where it fits. I have the dishes I don’t use often on the top shelf of the cabinet, and I moved some of the things from the pantry to the cabinet. It’s maybe a bit of a pain to go to the hall where the pantry is to get out the dishes, but I wash dishes daily, so I’m mostly just getting them out of the dish drainer, anyway. I do still automatically reach for that cabinet, but I’m starting to develop some different habits.

I was having trouble finding a good place to do yoga. In my old house, I had a big open space between the sofa and TV. I could put on a YouTube yoga video and roll out the mat in front of the TV. Here, the only space in the living room is in the path from the front door toward the kitchen area, and it was pretty cramped. Then I realized that I have a nice, big open area in my bedroom. I can bring my laptop in there for the videos. It was a big mindset shift to exercise in the bedroom, but I had room to move, and it was a rather peaceful setting.

Then there are all the other changes to get used to, like going to different grocery stores. They have a Kroger here, but it’s vastly different from the one in my old neighborhood, and they have stores we didn’t have back there. I’m figuring out which one I like best. I tried a new one yesterday, and I’m not sure what I think. It was probably closest to being like the Kroger in my old neighborhood, but it had just enough differences to throw me off. It seems like different things are less expensive in each of the stores I’ve tried, so I may have to go to multiple stores to get everything I need.

I’m still reworking and rewiring habits to figure out what works best for the way I’m living now, and I’ll have to do it all over again when I get a new house. I think the year of living in a really small space will help me learn what’s essential, and I’ll certainly appreciate having a real office again.

Now we’ll see if my creativity explodes because of all this.


July 4

I enjoyed my small-town July 4 celebrations. There were some downsides from living close to the festivities (I got to hear the all-day concert, whether or not I wanted to), but it was nice to be able to do the things I wanted to do without worrying about traffic or parking. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to enjoy a July 4 fireworks show and then have a 5-minute (or less) walk home.

First, there was a parade in the morning. They used the road that runs through the park, so the only road that had to be blocked off was the one they used for lining up the parade units, and there were a lot of nice, shady spots along the route. It wasn’t unpleasant to sit outside in the shade. I think this may have been my first July 4 parade at which I didn’t end up with a bad sunburn. Most of the parade units seemed to be either people showing off their classic or fancy cars or businesses and organizations promoting themselves. Some just drove their business vehicles in the parade, like the HVAC company with a truck full of air conditioning units or the cement truck. Some got a bit creative, like the company that installs rock and stone countertops that played “We Will Rock You” on a loop as they drove their truck with stone countertops in the back. Most of these groups passed out candy or promotional gizmos.

So, when I saw the Little Debbie delivery truck coming down the road, I joked to the people sitting by me that this was the unit I hoped passed out samples — and then they came around handing out packets of brownies.

No marching bands, probably because school’s out for the summer and it would be hard to round everyone up, but there was a bagpipe band. I don’t think I’ve ever heard “America the Beautiful” and “God Bless America” played on bagpipes. They must have been pretty good because I could identify the songs, and that’s not always the case with bagpipes. They also played “Shenandoah,” which seems to be mandatory around here. It’s a major earworm for me because we sang it for one of the patriotic concerts in choir, but I only remember a couple of lines that repeat themselves in my head, and every time I hear the word “Shenandoah” it triggers the song. Living in the Shenandoah Valley, it’s pretty much running non-stop because I think every local ad during the news talks about being in the Shenandoah Valley. I need to find exactly where the river runs and pay a visit.

I took a turn through the carnival grounds after the parade, but there were threatening clouds, so I headed home, and it started raining soon afterward. I ended up spending the afternoon indoors, watching 1776 and reading. I watched the Capitol Fourth concert on PBS, then it was time for our local fireworks, which were pretty good for a small town. I didn’t have the best vantage point because there were some trees and a streetlamp in the way, but now I know the general area of where to go, and it beats sitting in traffic.

I also got a sense of what it’s like living on this end of the park, which may factor into my decision of where I want to buy a house. The neighborhood I’m mostly targeting is on the other side of the park, so it will be convenient for the weekly band concerts and general park activities, but the big concerts at the baseball stadium shouldn’t be as loud. It wasn’t too bad as long as I kept the TV or the stereo going. It was like a neighbor was playing music too loud inside their house if I didn’t have my own noise going. The main issue was that the neighborhood dogs were going nuts from the noise. The barking was more annoying than the music.

Now I’m trying to get in a normal day’s work, and I keep forgetting it’s Friday rather than Monday. It feels like a Monday. In fact, it took me a few minutes after I woke up to realize what day it was, and then I had to hurry to take my trash out because Friday is garbage day (I actually got it out an hour before the garbage truck came by, but the panic came from realizing I could have missed it).

Life, My Books

Life Imitating Art

When I announced my move to a small town nestled in a valley, I got teased a bit about having actually moved to Rydding Village. But this wouldn’t be the first time my life has ended up reflecting something I’ve written about.

In my very first published novel, the heroine is the daughter of a successful romance author and is trying unsuccessfully to write her own romance novel, but she has a big breakthrough when she realizes what she really should be writing is fantasy. It took me five published romance novels and a lot of rejected romance novels before I had that realization for myself. The very first thing I tried to write was actually sort of a Star Wars mental fanfic with the serial numbers filed off, but when I got serious about writing, it was fantasy. I got sidetracked into romance because the best organization for learning the business of publishing and the craft of writing a novel at the time was the Romance Writers of America, and since there were so many more romances published and there were romance publishers who didn’t require authors to have agents, that seemed “easier.” It took me many years of banging my head against the wall of romance writing and publishing before I had the grand epiphany that I didn’t actually like romance novels all that much and that what I really liked reading and writing was fantasy. I do like to have a love story in my fantasy, but I’m not crazy about the way love stories are told in the romance genre.

I ended up getting the job the heroine has in my third published book. I’d just made up a job based on things I knew enough about to write about, then put it in a particular setting. It wasn’t until I was working in the new job a few years later that I realized I was doing the exact job in the exact circumstances I’d written about.

One of the reasons I ended up deciding to make this move was that I realized I’d been writing a bunch of books that all involved characters living in or finding a hidden enclave nestled among mountains. Most of them haven’t been published (yet?), but it was such a strong theme that I finally realized that maybe this was something I wanted.

In a book I’ve been working on off and on for years, one of the issues the female main character is dealing with early in the book is that she feels stuck where she is and wants to find somewhere else to go. I wrote that part before I even started seriously contemplating the idea of moving, so I guess it was a subconscious thing I was wrestling with.

I think I was imagining this town more than twenty years ago because while I was trying to write romance, one of my “banging my head against the wall” books was set in a small town. I described the town’s July 4 celebration in detail (it was a major part of the book). It turns out that this town’s July 4 celebration is pretty much exactly what I described in that book (which will never see the light of day. It’s so far from what I want to write that there’s no point in publishing it, and the plot is now so outdated it wouldn’t work). Fortunately, the whole celebration takes place at the park at the end of my street, so I can walk over there to check it out and see how close to it I got with my descriptions. I guess it’s not too different from the things a lot of towns do for July 4, but it wasn’t the way the small town I was from did things, and the city where I was living at the time didn’t do things that way. I made it up entirely based on what I thought should happen in a town like that, decades before I knew this town existed.

I don’t know if I have subconscious longings that come out in my books or if there’s something else going on. With the job I wrote about before I knew it was a real job, it wasn’t actually a job I wanted to do, and it turned out to be kind of a nightmare. I do think the fantasy vs. romance was something I knew deep down inside and wasn’t ready to let myself believe. As for the move to “Rydding,” I’m pretty sure that was a longing. I’d been considering making a change for years, and when I was trying to come up with some paranormal or fantasy women’s fiction, I kept coming back to the same kind of place. I knew I wanted something like that for myself. It just took me a lot of research to find it.

Most of my books don’t come true, though. I haven’t found a job at a magical company and I haven’t connected with a hot wizard, alas.



One fun thing about this move is that I haven’t needed to do my annual “I hate summer” post. Summer here is quite different from back in Texas. It’s still somewhat hot, but it’s more like May or September (or even October) weather in Texas — and this is apparently a bad heat wave.

I will admit, on the days when it’s really muggy, it does feel kind of nasty. I wouldn’t want to be outside in it for long. But I’m still having breakfast and lunch outside on the porch most days. I just come inside for the afternoon when there’s more direct sun on my porch. Most mornings, I at least start with a sweater on. Up until about a week and a half ago, I was still wearing sweatshirts most days. I did have to turn my air conditioning on last weekend, but more for the humidity than the heat. Even without the AC, it’s never gotten as warm inside as I used to set my thermostat in Texas.

And that means I’m actually getting a real summer. When I lived in Texas, it felt like we missed out on summer because it was too hot to go outside and do summer things. I thought of the typical summer activities as fall activities. Here, you could actually go camping (since it gets cool at night even when the day is hot), have picnics, go to outdoor concerts and festivals. Every Monday night, I go to a community band concert in the park, and they’ll start doing weekly jazz and bluegrass concerts in the park next month. I generally need to put on a sweater toward the end of the band concerts as the sun starts going down. It’s quite pleasant sitting outside in the park, watching the fireflies come out and listening to music. In Texas, it would still be in the upper 90s and you wouldn’t want to sit outside.

I’ll be able to go to the July 4th festival without worrying about having to be outside in 100-degree temperatures. I may not stay there all day, but I live a block or so from the park, so I can come and go throughout the day, and I may as well go to the fireworks, even if they are later at night than I usually stay up, since they’ll be close enough to keep me awake, anyway.

I probably won’t be hitting the swimming pool, as I’m a weenie and used to only go swimming when it was over 100 because I don’t like being in cold water and I don’t like being in the city pool with all the kids screaming and splashing (one good thing about my old place was that we had a community pool that almost no one used, so I usually had it to myself, especially since I liked to go swimming when it was really hot). But I can hang out in the park, especially in the shade, which is abundant, as the park is full of huge old trees.

Fall is still my favorite season, and I’m looking forward to that, but I imagine it will feel like an extended fall to me, since summer here is so much like early fall in Texas, and then I’ll be going to Texas for Thanksgiving, so I’ll be there just in time for real fall to finally show up there. For now, though, I’m making lists of “summer” things I haven’t had a chance to do in a very long time. What do you think of as summer activities?



I’ve been living in my new home a little over a month, so I have some basis for comparison in how things are different here than they were back in Texas.

A big one is temperature. We’re having a “heat wave” here this week, which means it might get close to 90 degrees. It is pretty humid, probably more moist than it would be at these temperatures in Texas, but I still find it fairly comfortable. At this time of year in Texas, I’d barely be able to go outdoors. Here, I spend most of the day outside. I work on my back porch until mid-afternoon, and then I only really need to come inside because the angle of the sun hits a point where it puts a glare on my computer screen. If I’m not working on the computer, I can stay out until later in the afternoon, when the sun begins to hit the porch directly and it gets a bit uncomfortable for a few hours. The community band has concerts in the park every Monday night, and this week’s concert was the first time I didn’t have to put on a sweater during the concert. Last week, I was wearing a sweatshirt and still had to put on a sweater.

The nice thing is that even if it’s hot during the day, it cools off a lot at night. During this week’s “heat wave,” they were talking about how the overnight lows being high is the real problem, but it’s still getting into the 60s overnight. Back in Texas in the summer, it often doesn’t get below 80 at night. I finally turned on my air conditioner last night, but only for humidity purposes, as it was only about 74 degrees inside. I had to put on a sweater while the AC dried things out a bit. Until the current “heat wave” began, I was still using the electric blanket on the couch for watching TV in the evenings.

This is one of the main reasons I moved. I wanted out of my living situation but I couldn’t afford a house in that area. I figured if I was going to have to move outside the area, I might as well go to a place that would be more comfortable, since I couldn’t bear the thought of another Texas summer. We’ll see how I feel this winter, but it didn’t look like the winters were that bad here, and I don’t mind huddling under an electric blanket. You can bundle up to stay warm, but it’s harder to stay cool when it’s hot. Summer here is basically September and October in Texas.

I’m also adjusting to smaller-town life. I was living in a major metro area, and this is a town of about 25,000. Since I come from a town that had a population just about 2,000 when I lived there, I don’t really think of this as a small town. It has multiple grocery stores, a lot of bookstores (more than in the city I just left), and plenty of things to do. The difference is that I don’t have to get on the freeway to do most things. Oddly, although this is a smaller town, in a lot of ways it feels more urban than where I used to live. When I was researching places to live, YouTube started recommending channels on urbanism, and this smallish town actually ticks a lot of boxes for what these people talk about for good urban fabric. It’s dense enough that things are close together. You can walk to a lot of things. There are more streets than “stroads” (the unholy mix of street and road, so everything’s built around cars, which makes everything be more spread out). Aside from the major commercial roads between the freeway and the city center, most of the streets here are two lanes, and the houses and businesses are right on the streets rather than set back by driveways and parking lots. It feels a lot more like a real city than the suburbs did.

It’s funny how my perception of traffic has already changed. I used to live next to a six-lane boulevard that was constantly full of traffic. A week or so ago I was walking around, looking at houses and neighborhoods and found myself rejecting one house that I otherwise liked because it was on a “major” street. It is one of the main thoroughfares, but it’s a two-lane road with a 25 miles per hour speed limit, and there’s maybe one car going down it every minute. They do need more sidewalks around here, though. My street has sidewalks, but a lot of neighborhood streets don’t.

That lower traffic means it’s so much quieter. I can hear the leaves rustling in the trees and birds singing. I could hear birds in my old house, but even when I sat on the patio with trees nearby, I never heard the leaves rustling in the wind. That’s one of my favorite sounds. Sometimes I just sit on the porch here and listen to the wind in the leaves. I think the air is also a lot cleaner without all the traffic and traffic jams.

Things are also a lot older here. I had one of the “old” houses in my old neighborhood, and it was built in 1984. Here, one of the old houses was designed by Thomas Jefferson. Most of the houses in the central part of town are pre-World War II. A lot are Victorian. There are some newer (1950s-60s) mixed in, possibly filling in on formerly large lots or rebuilt after a teardown, but most are the kinds of houses with front porches and deep eaves. I’ve always wanted to live in that kind of neighborhood, and it really didn’t exist in the Dallas area, other than in the historic districts near downtown that were extremely expensive. I can afford to buy one of these houses, and the same house in the same kind of neighborhood in Dallas would be close to a million dollars. I love all the history. I’m looking forward to exploring the various historic sites.

I’m at a higher latitude, so the daylight difference is fairly striking. Sunset isn’t too much later than it was in Texas, with it staying fairly light until after 9, but sunrise is a lot earlier. It’s light around 5 a.m., just about broad daylight by 5:30 (official sunrise is a bit later, but it’s light long before then). Even though my bedroom window faces west, and even with blinds and lined curtains, the sun was waking me up before 5:30 every morning. I ended up buying a sleep mask, and that works pretty well. I’ve even been oversleeping a bit, or maybe catching up on sleep from all those early mornings. I’ve pretty much stopped my movie night habit because by the time it gets dark enough to watch a movie with the proper theater ambience, it’s getting close to bedtime. I’ve just been watching episodes of TV series instead. In the winter, it’ll be the reverse, so it’ll stay dark a lot later and the sun will go down earlier. I guess that’s when I’ll catch up on the three-hour epics.

Another big switch is the local media. I was used to reading a major daily newspaper and watching major-market TV news. Here, the local paper is essentially a USA Today with a few local stories (but the local reporting is good enough that the cheap digital subscription is worth it). I ended up getting a digital subscription to the Washington Post to get substantial reporting with content that’s still somewhat local. The local TV news isn’t too bad, even though the staff are mere children. I still sometimes stream the news from the station I used to watch back in Dallas, just to see the familiar faces and laugh at the weather.

My day-to-day routine is more or less the same, other than me spending more of the day outdoors. I eat both breakfast and lunch on the porch and I work outside as much as I can. I have to drive farther to run errands, but there’s not as much traffic and the stores aren’t as busy. I spend Monday nights at the band concerts in the park, and next month there will also be jazz concerts. That means I’m getting out a bit more than I used to, which was one of the reasons for the move. There was a lot of stuff to do in Dallas, but most of it required driving on the freeway for at least half an hour. Here, I can walk ten minutes and go to a concert, walk 20 minutes and be downtown at the farmers market on Saturdays.

Now that I have my routine somewhat settled, I’m getting back to a better working routine, so I hope to get more writing done. In Texas, I seemed to do most of my writing in the summer because I was huddled indoors during the hot weather, and there wasn’t much else to do. Here, there are more summer temptations. Winter may become my major writing time.


Hitting the Trail

I had a post for today drafted, but I got excited about preparing for my grand excursion today and totally forgot to upload it. So, I’ll save it for next week.

This is where I was instead of posting a blog:

A view of the Blue Ridge Mountains, covered in trees, against a blue sky with puffy white clouds.
This view of the Blue Ridge Mountains was worth hiking a mile to get to.

One of the reasons I wanted to move here was to be close to the mountains. I can see them in the distance when I run errands. Since I hit my writing goals for the week and the weather was nice, I decided it was time to hit the mountains. The beginning of the Blue Ridge Parkway is about 15 miles from where I live, so I went out there, and then the guy at the visitors center suggested a short hiking route for me. I walked about a mile on the Appalachian Trail then took a short side trail to get to the overlook site where I had that fabulous view. I had a picnic lunch there, then walked back.

So I can now say I’ve hiked the Appalachian Trail, though just a teeny portion of it. It was all so beautiful, but I need to get in better shape. I slacked off from my regular exercise while I was going through the move, then didn’t get back in the habit once I stopped having the intense physical labor of packing/unpacking and carrying things around. I’ve done some walking around town, but if I’m going to do real hiking, I need to build up to it. Today was just enough to get a taste of it and see some scenery, and I suspect I’ll feel it tomorrow.

Now I’m going to get a tall glass of cold water and put my feet up for a while.


My Story Arc

Whenever I talk to someone about having moved recently and they ask me why and I have to say that I just wanted to, they always say something like, “You’re so brave!” as though it’s a big deal to move halfway across the country to a place you’ve visited once and have no ties to, just because you felt like it and the opportunity arose. And I guess it is kind of crazy. Every so often, I find myself astounded that I actually did this, and I wonder if I made the right move.

And then I look at the weather report and the crime reports from my old home and I’m pretty sure I did make the right move.

But it’s struck me that this is the kind of thing people write memoirs about — in middle age, uprooting and starting life all over again in a new place. I just need some kind of arc beyond simply moving and continuing with life in order to make a sellable story out of it. I’ll have to find some new passion, new direction, romance, or something really funny. So far, though, it’s mostly been just continuing with life, but I haven’t even been here a month yet. I’ve barely learned my way around to major stuff like the grocery stores.

I have started trying to do some of the activities that are the reason I came here. I’ve gone to the farmers market, and this week they started the weekly band concerts at the bandstand in the park near my house. This is apparently the oldest continually operating community band in the nation. They do concerts at their bandstand in the park every Monday night during the summer. This week’s concert was music from Disney movies (including Star Wars and Marvel). It was a lovely evening sitting out in the park, listening to music and watching the kids run around. Then I saw fireflies when I walked home. It’s nice to have things to do within walking distance or just a short drive. There was a lot to do in the Dallas area, but most of it required getting on a freeway and driving for half an hour in bad traffic through areas prone to road rage or drive-by shootings.

So, what kind of story arc do I need to look for so I can write a bestselling memoir about uprooting my life? I don’t think I want to start a bakery or coffee shop or bookstore (there are so many already here). This is basically a town out of a Hallmark movie, so maybe I need to find a flannel-wearing local guy. I’m not a typical city girl, though. I’m not likely to freak out because there’s wildlife in the town (I saw a deer just down the street last week) or try to teeter around on the hilly streets in high heels. I want to do more outdoorsy stuff, since I’m so close to the mountains. Maybe my arc is going from city girl to nature-loving outdoorsy person — from the red stilettos to hiking boots. Except I owned hiking boots before I bought the stilettos, and I haven’t worn the stilettos in nearly a decade because I messed up a knee and can’t wear heels (and haven’t had a good occasion to wear them).

I have promised myself that I will go to the mountains later this week or this weekend if I get my work done. I see the Blue Ridge mountains off in the distance when I go shopping, and as I come home I can see the Shenandoah mountains. I’m so close to the Blue Ridge Parkway, so I need to go there soon. I’m also really close to the Appalachian Trail (but the memoir about that has already been written).

I could do one of those history travel memoir things, exploring the early years of this country and putting that in context with my life. There are sites from the Civil War and the Revolution nearby, and I could contrast all this history with life in the Texas suburbs.

Or I could stick to writing fantasy novels. This basically is a larger, newer version of Rydding Village. I’m even surrounded by mostly single women. It’s just food for thought to imagine what difference in my life this move can mean.


Time Travel Weekend

I’ve started trying to explore my new area. This weekend, I walked downtown to go to the farmers market and an art fair, but my big expedition was to the Frontier Culture Museum. This is a big, open-air exhibit on the edge of town that showcases the history of this region, from back when it was the American frontier. They’ve relocated actual historic structures and set up small farms for different historical areas. There’s a Native American farm, a cabin from the 1700s, an 1820s farmhouse, an 1850s farmhouse, a frontier schoolhouse, and an African-American church from around the end of the Civil War. It’s basically an opportunity to travel in time.

But the museum also gets into the cultures of the people who settled here, so there’s an Old World section with an Irish tenant farm from the early 1700s, a German farm, an English farm from the 1600s, and a West African farm. Part of these exhibits is not only the culture of the people who came from these places, but the reasons people left those places. For instance, the English farmhouse is a place a yeoman farmer would have lived, and that sort of person wouldn’t have had a reason to leave, but it was the kind of thing tenant farmers and laborers without land might have aspired to, so they’d have taken the opportunity to become indentured workers in the Virginia colony so that after their indenture time was up, they’d have their own land and would be yeoman farmers (and when the big landowners realized that they were going to run out of land if they kept having to give it to their workers, they turned to slavery for labor).

They grow flax there, so they can demonstrate the process of what it takes to process it into linen, and they raise sheep that they shear and then demonstrate wool processing. I also saw some cattle, pigs, chickens, and goats (and a barn cat).

They were doing a special Memorial Day event, so they had some historical reenactors and special experts on hand doing presentations. I went to the session a member of the Shawnee tribe did about Native American life in this area. They also had a smith working in the 18th century Irish forge, a demonstration of muskets by Revolutionary War reieactors, and a reenactment of the Enclosure Riots in England in the early 1600s.

A half-timbered English farm building from the 16th century, with reenactors wearing costumes from the early 1600s standing in front.
The English farm at the Frontier Culture Museum., just before they reenacted the Enclosure Riots.

There were some other activities, but I spent a lot of time in the forge, since one of the main characters in the next Rydding Village book is a smith, and I had to pet the dog the Shawnee man had because he looked so much like a dog I used to have (even acted exactly like my dog used to act when someone petted him) and I chatted with him for a while. I didn’t take a weapon and join in on breaking down the enclosures (I figured I’d let the kids have that fun), but I did watch and join in on the songs and cheers they taught us.

Actually, the Old World farmhouses were a lot like what I imagine for some of the houses in Rydding (though I picture more of the Cotswolds honey-colored stone), so the whole thing was very useful for giving me mental images and sensory details. I guess the excursion counted as work.

I ended up getting an annual pass because this is the kind of place you can’t really see all of in one visit, and they have a lot of really interesting sounding special events throughout the year. It’s also just a pleasant place to go walking, with some footpaths through wooded areas, and it’s near the Aldi, so I could pop by for a walk when I go grocery shopping. The history is one of the reasons I wanted to move to this area, so I’m going to have to explore all the historic sites. Later in the year, once I’m more settled, I’ll have to head to the coast and check out Williamsburg. I also need to plan a visit to DC and to see Mount Vernon, plus they’re getting pandas back at the National Zoo.



I’m continuing to settle in to the new place. Oddly, it’s all the little adjustments that are harder to make than the huge one of having moved halfway across the country to a place I’ve only visited once. I feel quite at home already, but there are a lot of little things to get used to.

For one thing, the time zone. Most of the time, I don’t notice the difference. It helped that when I got here, I was utterly exhausted and slept late, so I was instantly on the new time. Where I have to adjust is with TV programming. My routine was always to eat dinner while watching the national news at 5:30, then the local news came on at 6. Here, the local news still comes on at 6, but the national news is at 6:30. I find myself wanting to eat dinner at 5:30, even though that’s 4:30 in the old time. There’s not a lot of radio here, so I’ve been streaming the Dallas classical station, and I have to mentally adjust for the various programs. They play a “march of the day” at 7:35 a.m., Dallas time, and I tried to be making or even eating breakfast by then, but here it comes on at 8:35, so I should be done with breakfast when it comes on. My signal to finish breakfast was the “road rage remedy” at 8:20, but that’s 9:20 here. I don’t watch a lot of prime-time TV, but that would also be an issue with everything on an hour later.

I’m still getting used to parallel parking. It helps that I learned how to do that in a Bronco and practiced in a 1981 Impala. That makes doing it in a Subaru Forester with a backup camera fairly easy, but I still haven’t managed to do it smoothly in one move without a lot of backing, inching forward, and adjusting. I really hope I don’t have to take a driving test to get my Virginia drivers license.

I’m a lot farther north than I used to live, so the days are longer here at this time of year. The sunset seems to be close to the same time as it was back in Texas, but the sun comes up a lot earlier. I used to say I preferred Standard time over Daylight Saving time, but if it were Standard time now, the sun would be up before 5 a.m. My bedroom window faces west, and I have blinds and lined curtains, and still it’s hard to sleep past 6 a.m. I may just have to give in and go to bed earlier and get up when the sun wakes me.

Then there are all the little things about being in a new house — where are the light switches, and which one turns on which light? Where did I put that thing when I unpacked it? This place is configured so differently from my old home that there was no way to just put things where they used to go. I have to find different places to put everything.

I’ll also have to get used to Target being a 15-minute drive away rather than being in walking distance. The Target is actually in the next town over. It’s closer than the nearest Target used to be before they built the one on the edge of my neighborhood, and it’s a much more pleasant drive, but now it has to be a planned expedition rather than a quick run down the street to grab something. Ditto with Home Depot. On the other hand, there are a ton of great restaurants and several little brewpubs, including a cider brewery, within walking distance here.

I’m gradually learning to find my way around. I got a bit lost while running errands earlier in the week, since the streets twist and turn so much that it’s easy to get turned around. But I managed to get to where I needed to go between the compass in my car, the map on my car’s screen, and the road signs. It turned out I was on the loop around the city. In Texas, any loop around a city is a busy road with lots of businesses on it, and that was what I was expecting. Here, it truly is a bypass that goes way out into the country, so I didn’t have a good sense of where I was.

Doing laundry is kind of an adventure. This apartment has a space-age all-in-one unit. It works as a washer, then you hit a different control and it also dries the clothes. The previous tenant here said she had problems with it. I found the manual on the manufacturer’s website, and I had to have that open on my screen in order to figure out how to work it. It takes more than three hours to do a load, start to finish, and I can only do one load at a time (no throwing something in the washer while the previous load is in the dryer), so I’ll have to plan for laundry days. I’ve figured out some of the tricks already, so I may get used to it — probably at about the time I’m ready to buy and move into a house.

I’ve got my bedroom more or less set up the way I want it, with everything put away. The kitchen is almost there. I’ve managed to do actual cooking. Aside from getting the books properly shelved, the living room part of the living/dining/office room is the way I want it. I have the TV set up with the antenna and the streaming devices, and I have the chaise I use as a sofa with the side tables. I can sit and read or watch TV/movies. I also have my back porch set up. I need more plants, but the table and chairs are there, and I’ve even strung my lights. The office area is going to be the real challenge. I got rid of my big desk and will be using my laptop stand and some tables as a desk replacement, and since it’s not in a separate room that’s supposed to be a bedroom, I don’t have a closet for office stuff, so I’ll have to figure out where to put some things.

I’m trying to get back into my regular working routine. I’ve been working on writing stuff in the morning and unpacking in the afternoon and evening. I still have a lot of admin stuff to deal with around the move. There are so many things I need to update with my new address, and I need to get a local drivers license and register my car, but the DMV website has been down.