Status Update
I’m in the middle of rewriting the book I wrote earlier this year, and I’ve reached the part that’s going to take some pretty serious rewriting, not just revising. I changed my mind about what should happen in the middle of the book. I think this version is going to be a lot more fun, but it’s going to take work. I’ve been super diligent all week, spending a lot of time on writing work, both on this project and another one (one mostly in the morning, the other in the afternoon). I figure I might as well buckle down now, since it’s super hot outside, so there’s not much else to do. I may as well sit in the air conditioning and write, and then in the fall I can go outdoors and enjoy myself some.
This is another reason I don’t try to do National Novel Writing Month in November. That’s prime outdoors time around here. Our weather will be what other places consider early fall weather.
Meanwhile, my ever-cooperative brain has come up with yet another new story idea. There’s a genre I’ve been wanting to play in, but I didn’t have any ideas for actual stories in it. Then one struck me. I’m doing a little brainstorming every day to work out the characters and plot, so maybe it’ll be ready to write when I get done with the current projects.
That should keep me busy until about November, so it’ll all work out, I guess.
I should have news in the next couple of weeks about one of these projects.
Also, I keep forgetting to post about the Smashwords July sale. My books in the Smashwords store are half off in July. There are also a lot of other deals, in case you already have all my books. You can find the discounted books at https://www.smashwords.com/shelves/promos/