My Books

Release Day!

Bread and Burglary book coverIt’s a release day birthday for me. Bread and Burglary goes on sale today as an e-book. The paperback should be on sale at Amazon tomorrow (August 8), and it may take a little time to get picked up by other systems. Amazon changed their way of handling paperbacks since my last book, so my usual timing for setting up the paperback so it would come out at the same time as the e-book turned out to be off. I don’t currently have any plans for audio. That’s beyond my budget right now, so the series needs to either sell well enough for me to make the kind of money I’d need to invest in audio and show that it would be profitable in audio, or well enough for Audible to see it as a good bet and buy the audio rights.

I don’t have huge plans for my birthday, other than going out to buy some cake. I’d thought about having a big day out and playing tourist at one of the big historical sites nearby, but there’s a chance of storms this afternoon (both the outer bands of Debby and a front coming in), and I don’t want to be driving through the mountains in a thunderstorm, so I’m sticking closer to home. I’ll see what strikes my fancy once I leave the house. A book I put on hold at the library is in, so if it’s looking like a rainy afternoon, I may pick up a takeout lunch and spend the afternoon curled up with a book. The perfect birthday!

Enjoy the new book. In the coming weeks, I’ll post some behind the scenes stuff and maybe a recipe.

4 Responses to “Release Day!”

  1. Renske

    Happy Birthday and happy book release day.

  2. Debra

    Just have to know, you got Tufarian from the Hum and the Shiver? Loving the book

    • Shanna Swendson

      I actually didn’t, at least not consciously. I didn’t make the connection until I was writing the second book and using it more often. It was something I sort of pulled out of the air for a one-off mention in book one, when I didn’t know it would end up being important in book 2. I started with “Tuscany” and then changed letters until I got something different that sounded good.

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