My Books
Paperback Mix-Up
There’s been a bit of confusion about the paperback of Enchanted Ever After, thanks to some Amazon communication issues.
There will be a paperback. For some weird reason, they don’t let you do pre-orders of paperbacks. What I plan to do is make it available for sale a few days before the release date so that you can order and have it delivered around that time. I’ll announce when that happens.
The paperback that’s listed for sale is kind of a phantom listing. Avoid that one. If you buy from those people, I barely make any money on it, and you probably won’t get it any sooner.
What happened is that when I was setting up the e-book for pre-order, they gave a pop up that asked if I also wanted to do a paperback based on the same info, and since that would be easier than re-entering it all, and I was doing a paperback, I went ahead with it. There was no opportunity to enter a release date, and I thought that was because it was tied to the e-book. It took a few days to get the paperback approved for publication, since they get weird and picky about the files. We had to tweak some things about the cover. Then when they approved it, they sent me an e-mail saying it was available for sale. I hadn’t realized that they were putting it on sale immediately and quickly jumped to take it down and leave it as pending. But in the five or so minutes it was up for sale, some of the third-party booksellers grabbed the listing and are now saying they’re selling it.
I really don’t know what Amazon’s deal is. You can’t put a paperback up for pre-order, and it can sometimes take a week of going back and forth to get it approved for publication, but you can’t get the approval without saying to publish it. That makes it nearly impossible to be sure of having it available on release day without running the risk of it being available right away..
Anyway, I will announce when I make the paperback live, and don’t buy anything from any of the third-party resellers.