Movie Choices
One new habit I’ve developed after giving up cable has been Friday movie nights. There’s seldom anything on TV I want to watch on Fridays, and even though I don’t necessarily have a regular workweek schedule, I do like to treat Fridays like Fridays. I have a good-sized DVD collection that I seldom watch, and then there’s a lot of stuff available for streaming, so I can generally find something to watch.
That is, if I can decide on something. Sometimes there’s paralysis that comes with having too much choice. I’ll end up spending half the time scrolling through options, then end up picking nothing. I’m trying to choose things ahead of time so that at movie time I can just watch my choice.
But that choice is still hard. Right now, I’m caught up in playing with ideas for a fantasy world I’m building, so I’ve been watching a mix of fantasy movies and historical dramas. At the same time, sometimes I want to get entirely away from “work” and just watch something fun.
Last weekend, I did a mix. On Friday night, I watched Stardust, which is exactly the sort of thing I want to write. But then for Saturday night, I watched Cold Comfort Farm, an old favorite that I finally got on DVD.
I find there’s a big tug of war between wanting to choose something new and wanting to rewatch an old favorite. Rewatching means I know what I’m getting into, so I know I won’t be disappointed. My luck with new stuff has been hit or miss.
I need to decide if I want to get something off my very long Amazon watchlist tonight or if I want to dig out a DVD. I’m not sure what I’m in the mood for tonight, comfort viewing or exploration. I do have a frozen pizza, so I’m ready for whatever I choose.