Busy Time
Children’s choir starts again tonight, so I guess I’m on my full fall schedule now. I have no idea how many kids I’ll have this year, but I had this age group for music and art camp this summer, and unless a whole bunch of new kids I don’t know show up, I may swing back to having more girls than boys this year. I know of maybe 4 or 5 kids who are very likely to be there, and all but one are girls. I should also keep my twin streak going — I’ve had a set of twins every year for the past four years (though a couple of those years the kids were very intermittent in attending, and last year’s set of twins dropped out early in the year). I’ll probably have to adjust my teaching style because a class of mostly girls works very differently in kindergarten than a class of mostly boys.
This means it’ll be a short workday for me today. I’m revising one book and researching another, using the research as a break between revision stints so I don’t start zoning out. When I reach the point of thinking “whatever” instead of really thinking about how to fix it, I switch over to reading reference books. I’m probably hitting overkill on the research, but I’m building a new world, so better to have too much input than too little. Since I’m working on something else at the moment and not ready to start writing, it’s not as though I’m using research as a procrastination tool. The world I’m working on is taking elements for several parts of history, which means a lot of reading. A couple of the areas are things I’m already interested in and have read a lot about, but then there are some new things that I didn’t know a lot about but that may turn into a serious interest.
And it’s interesting how many parallels I keep finding for the present no matter what part of history I’m studying.
Yes, this is something new. I want to find a new publisher, and to do that, I need to have something new to offer. They aren’t interested in a series that was started by a different publisher. I will still continue on the series I have in progress, but it takes a long time to go through the submission process and get a book published, so I want to get this going, and then I can go back to my other things while I wait. And this is why I can’t devote a whole day to going through my closets right now.