My Books
Book 9 Coming August 6
Those who follow me on social media have already seen this news, but I thought I’d make it official here. Book 9 of the Enchanted, Inc. series, Enchanted Ever After, is coming August 6. It’s available for pre-order as an e-book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, and Kobo, and should be available at a few other places. There will be a paperback, but that’s not ready to order yet (it’s a more involved process). And there will be an audiobook. I don’t know when that’s coming. I originally set this release date to coincide with Audible, but I don’t have a contract from them yet, so I don’t know if we’re still on schedule.
This is probably going to be the last book in the series. It really ties things off nicely. I realized while I was writing it that I was ready for this series to be over, and I was running out of bad guys for them to go up against. It is possible that I’ll return to that world in the future, either picking up on the further adventures of the same characters or in a spinoff. I may continue writing some shorter one-off pieces in that world. But I’m calling it done for now. I’ve been working on these books since 2003, and that’s a long time to work on the same series. I’d rather quit while it’s still fun rather than drag it out. There have been four more books than I originally planned, so it went beyond my expectations. It’s been a lot of fun and I love these characters and their world, but there are so many other things I want to write.
Plus, their world moved so much more slowly than ours, to the point that they were more than a decade behind. I started writing in the near future (aiming at when I thought it would be published), then gradually caught up and then was writing more than a decade in the past, so I had to keep looking up what technology and pop culture existed then. If I return to that world, I’ll have to jump everything forward in time, so it will essentially be an all-new series.
But I have the next three or four things I want to write planned, a year or two worth of work, so I doubt there will be anything new in this series for a while.