After that close call last fall with the cute house with the pyromaniac neighbor, I’ve resumed my house hunt, but there hasn’t been much I’ve liked on the market.
In late January, I looked at one that had a lot about it I liked. It had an incredible back yard with a greenhouse and fruit trees, and the rooms were a good size. It had some nice period touches. But it was also on a major road, with a driveway that went uphill, so getting on the road was a bit scary. Plus, the driveway was shared with the house next door, which had potential for problems. And the upstairs windows were wonky, just a bit awry in the positioning. From the inside, the placement made sense, but from the outside it was off enough to be unsettling. There was also just something about the house that made me uncomfortable, and I couldn’t tell what it was. Part of it was that the owners hadn’t finished moving out. The furniture was all gone, so the rooms were empty, but there was food in the fridge, junk in the basement, and laundry in the dryer (showing through the window in the door). My Realtor wondered if it was renters who’d cleared out, but some workmen who were on the property said the owners moved nearby and hadn’t finished moving. I couldn’t make myself get excited enough about it to put in an offer, and it took a long time to sell for something in that price range in this town. Part of it may have been that it’s technically in a flood zone. The creek that runs through the nearby park tends to flood down that street, so the basements on that side of the street get water in them. The city is redoing that creek area, which should stop or ease the flooding when they get it done, but there’s no way to know until they’re done and we get a heavy rain to test it. There’s a sump pump in the basement of that house, and we didn’t see any signs of water damage, but added to everything else, it was enough to keep me from going for it.
The listings that came up last month and early this month were mostly mid-century modern and very vintage, complete with pink bathrooms — pink tile and pink fixtures. I’m enough of a preservationist at heart that it would have hurt me to pull out those bathrooms and update them, but I didn’t think I could live with them the way they were. There were a few listings that looked possible, but when I drove by I felt really uncomfortable, or else they were farther out than I would like. I want to live in walking distance from interesting things.
Earlier this week, I looked at a house that was really cute, but strike one was when I saw that the house next door had a broken toilet sitting in the front yard. That might have been trash day, as it was next to the trash cans, but there was also a broken sink in the back yard. Then there was the big, scary dog in the front yard, behind a flimsy wire fence (in spite of the back yard having a wooden fence). The dog growled and lunged at the fence while I was standing on the porch of the house I was looking at. It was definitely one of those “I will kill you if I get to you” growls, not an excited bark, and the tail wasn’t wagging.
The house itself was nice. The kitchen was incredible and there was an amazing view of mountains from the back porch. But the house was a lot smaller than the listing let on. It included an upstairs room that would have been mostly useless. It wasn’t heated or cooled and had no light fixtures, and while there was a bathroom there, it was in an alcove without a door. The toilet was visible from everywhere in the room. I think the square footage also included the basement. When I added up the footage of the rooms on the main floor, the actual living space, it was smaller than my current apartment. I couldn’t figure out how I’d be able to put any furniture in the living room, it was so narrow. The owners just had a chair in there, and they had chairs and a TV in the room I’d have used for an office. I decided to pass on that house.
Then a listing came up Wednesday night that I initially dismissed because the layout was pretty weird and the rooms had to be tiny, given that it was 4 bedrooms in 1100 square feet. I couldn’t figure out how I could work with the space in the living room, as there were no solid walls. The house is built into the side of a hill, so the front of the house is on ground level there, with the back of the first floor under the hill, becoming a basement. The front half of the first floor is one big room, with a kitchen on one end, a bar as a room divider, and then the rest being windows and stairs. I couldn’t think of where I’d put a TV and sofa, and there was definitely no room for bookcases.
But then the upstairs is ground level at the back, with a big deck across the back, and sliding doors onto the deck from one of the rooms. I started thinking that this would make a good living room. When my Realtor sent me the listing this morning, I said we might as well look at it.
The rooms are small, but I think I could make them work. It would be cozy. I think I’d use the downstairs as an entry hall/dining room, maybe put a chair in there, but otherwise have a dining table. If I had people over, I could use that room for entertaining. The closets are small, but the basement is climate-controlled and insulated, so I could use it for storage. The house was built in 1945 but it’s been completely remodeled. New roof, new siding, new electric, heater/AC, etc. The downstairs is all new, with new floors and a totally new kitchen. Upstairs, it looks more like an old house, with the original hardwood floors, interior doors, wide baseboards, and window frames. The new things upstairs are the sliding glass doors in the room I’d use for a living room and the bathroom, which has been gutted and redone.
But the setting is what I like. The deck is beautiful, and the backyard is wooded, so it would be almost like living in the woods. I could do forest bathing in my backyard. There’s also an in-ground stone fire pit in one of the non-wooded areas. And all this is half a mile from downtown, one block off the main street. I’ve joked about my ideal house being a cabin in the woods on the edge of downtown, and this may actually be it. It’s on the end of a dead-end street, so there wouldn’t be a lot of traffic. And while there are hills, they aren’t as big as the one I currently live on.
It’s not the house I had in mind. It’s not what’s on my vision board. It’s also not the neighborhood I was looking at. But it may be what I need. After a sleepless night spent mentally arranging furniture, I told my Realtor to make an offer on it. I have another month in this apartment, so the timing is good for me to be able to get something and start moving. I’d have time to get a washer and dryer ordered and delivered (It comes with all the other appliances), gradually move in the stuff I’d move myself, with pros moving the big stuff somewhere along the way, then I could clean out the apartment before the lease ends. And then I’d get to decorate the new place. I’ve already spent way too much time looking around online and figuring out what could fit where.