Archive for September 6, 2024


Fall is Falling

I guess I’m still enjoying my surroundings because I got sidetracked by such a perfect fall-like day, so I took a long walk in the park and totally forgot it’s one of my blog days.

In Texas, around this time every year was when I’d be looking around for other places to live where I could experience a real fall, and I’d be making lists of things I wanted to do to enjoy the fall experience when the weather finally changed. Here, the fall weather started in August, so I feel like I need to catch up, and I definitely need to make a list because there’s so much going on. My plan was to get a draft of the next Rydding Village book done in August so I could take time off to enjoy the fall. Now I’m hoping to get much of it done in September so I can take time off in October. I may also shift my work schedule to spend the days exploring and my evenings writing.

I also need a shopping list to restock my fall supplies, like some candles, apple cider, cocoa, and ingredients for fall baking. I need to make cookies and bread and other fun stuff. I made my first batch of veggie soup for the year last night, since it’s starting to be soup weather.

I’m hoping to do a lot of day trips to look around the area and see the fall foliage in the mountains and visit the historic sites. I also want to make it over to West Virginia, just to add another state to my list. Then there are a ton of little festivals around here.

I’m starting my fall exploration with a guided nature hike at one of the parks tomorrow morning, then there’s an event at the frontier culture museum, and I think I’m going to do some baking.